Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dinner Dilemma

I don't know why exactly it is, but lately my kids' behavior at dinner has been a trigger point for me that just sends me over the moon. I really don't think they do anything unusual for a 4- and 1-year-old, but my patience with them at dinner is nearly nonexistent!

First, with Logan, getting him to eat is like building the pyramids, one tiny pebble at a time. I have to remind him to take nearly every single bite, to eat some food and not just guzzle his drink, to sit correctly in his chair, to stop playing around with his fork or his cup, to use his fork to eat instead of as a weapon, on and on and on it goes with him. So finally, after an hour has elapsed, he has taken at least one potty break, and he still is not done with his dinner, I declare dinner over and we clean up. Then when he is getting into bed an hour or 90 minutes later, he is "starving" and "so thirsty." Grrrrr!!!!

Then there is Miss Coley. Often she starts out ok, but soon she starts the show. She is not quite ready to feed herself with the spoon, but when we try to do it, or to help her with it, she whacks the spoon and sends the food flying. Or we give her finger foods so that she can feed herself and feel more in control. But after a while those foods get thrown all over the table and all over the floor. Not to mention the cup, the plate, and all the utensils that get thrown all over the floor. I am sure Logan did the same thing at this age, but I do not remember getting so aggravated with him. Maybe it is because I am dealing with two now, who are both difficult at the table? Maybe it is because it is near the end of the day and my patience is wearing thin after dealing with them both all day? Really, I know that they are both great kids and I am actually very lucky, but there is just something about the disinterest in dinner (from Logan) and the wasting of food (from Coley) that just sends me into a tizzy. And then, of course, I feel super-guilty about getting so upset at them and becoming the Mean Mommy.

Help! Any suggestions? I would love to keep my sanity at dinnertime!


  1. Oh, I wish I could offer advice! It's frustrating every night at dinner with Ben; he just turned 4 at the beginning of April. Our rule in our house is that he has to try everything. He doesn't have to eat it all, but he as to at least try it. I will usually have him eat it all unless he really hates it (how can I tell? He gags!) Mmmm, let's see... No dessert if he doesn't finish dinner (or at least a reasonable amount. No seconds on a particular thing unless he finishes all the "firsts." Sometimes I have to feed him with his fork if I want him to eat it all, which I am loathe to do, but I don't want to wait for 2 hours while he eventually gets around to it! Whining gets ignored; if he's rude or throws food/utensils he gets a time out. I'm just thinking of stuff...I'll try to come up with some things that might actually help! If you think of anything, let ME know!!! :)

  2. Thanks! Sometimes Logan wants us to feed him with his fork, too, and I hate it! I know a lot of that comes from seeing how much attention his baby sister gets, and wanting to get in on that!
    Thanks for all the ideas, a lot of them we are already trying to do, but it is still so frustrating - I guess it is just the age.
    We have also instituted a time limit on dinner; once time is up the food goes back to the kitchen.
    Thanks for the help!
