Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Evening

The bedtime routine was actually not too bad tonight. Well, I guess it wasn't so bad if you talk to me. I worked with Logan to get him ready for bed. Larry worked with Coley, and he may hold a different opinion. Coley had a massive, shall we say, diaper fill-up, which necessitated a bath and a good scrubbing out of her hair. I won't go into details for you. Logan, on the other hand, did really well tonight. Directly after dinner he did his table chores. I was still helping Coley to eat, so while he waited he cleared his stuff off of the fireplace (the common drop-spot as soon as anyone walks in the door), and then he picked out his own clothes for school tomorrow. He was so proud and wanted to show me the way he laid them out; this is what I found in his room:
He called it his scarecrow. He even laid out his underwear beneath the pants, just like if he was wearing them.
(FYI - Lately pants have been optional for him in the evenings, thankfully the underwear stays on)
Very proud of my little organizer! He did a great job tonight!
And then, of course, there was the wandering nomad we lovingly call Coley...
She is OBSESSED lately with wearing things on her head. Here she is with her hooded coat hanging off of her head, and her brother's cap perched on top. She was in heaven in this get-up!

Then later her Daddy obliged her by actually putting the jacket on (I am such a bum, I just hang it off her head), and she found the light saber. So here is our Pink Polka-Dot Jedi:

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