Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Tough Cookie

Weekend mornings at our house are usually pretty wonderful. Lar and I wake up, Lar brings me the baby to nurse, then when she's done she crawls around in the bed and plays with us. Usually by this time Logan has woken up, so he climbs into the bed, too, and we have a lazy fun morning. This morning started off that way, then took a little turn.

After Coley ate she was playing in the bed, she likes to pull herself up at the headboard and stand there to "talk" to us. Logan was sleeping late this morning, so it was just the three of us. I was holding on to Coley and she was doing her usual hands-in-my-face thing. I should probably let you know that Coley often likes to play rough; rougher than her brother ever did. She likes head butts, she will forcibly move your face to where she wants it, she likes to throw toys at people, and she will often whack you in the face if you are not paying attention. Anyway, that said, this morning she added a new move to her little bag of tricks. Very quickly and out of the blue, she rammed one of her little fingers right up my nose. REALLY HARD. Immediately I had tears in my eyes, and my hand instinctively went up to cover my nose. When I pulled it away, I had blood covering my hand and running down my arm, on to my shirt. She had given me a massive bloody nose!

This girl is one tough cookie. She is like a Mini-Ninja! Which is a good thing, and I hope she keeps it as she gets older; if she does, I know no one will be able to walk all over her. But if she could just take the injuries and the collateral damage done to us down a notch during these early training years, that would be terrific.


  1. Wow! She is a tough cookie! I must admit though that this post made me feel a little better as I am currently covered in bruises from my 8 month olds bites. Glad to know I'm not the only one with a "rambunctious" kiddo! :)

    P.S. I found you via the Lady Bloggers Tea Party.

  2. Thanks Lucy! Glad to know there are others out there like us! My first was not so "physical," shall we say, and my friends seem so surprised when I tell them about it. At least we know they're tough!

  3. Just more proof that she and Seanie are a perfect match! He's the strongest, toughest kid I've ever seen. :/
