Sunday, February 28, 2010

Take me back

Isn't it amazing how just one song can take you back in time? The power that music has to transport you to a specific time, a specific place... it is really a wonder! The weather here lately has been hit-and-miss, but those days that are a hit make me long to crank up some Dave Matthews Band tunes. When I was in college, the first warm and sunny days of Spring I would open the windows in my dorm room and I could hear the DMB blasting from someone else's window across the courtyard. A true signal that Spring has sprung!

I recently experienced this the other day as I was driving in my car with the kiddos. I was searching for some CD to listen to, rather than listening to Elmo AGAIN. Elmo is great, but when you listen to him on repeat every car ride, every day, he can wear on you a little bit. So I was searching for something kid-friendly, but mom-friendly as well. I came across two great picks: my wedding CD and my Sweetpea CD (more to come on the Sweetpea CD later this week). See, for my wedding and for the births of each of my kiddos I made CDs. The wedding one was a favor that we gave to all our guests. It was filled with love songs and standards that Larry and I picked out, plus the Mother-Son Dance song ("Nothing Compares 2 U," Sinead O'Connor), Father-Daughter Dance song ("Isn't She Lovely," Stevie Wonder), and "Our" song. Our song is "You Belong to Me" by Bob Dylan. We first came across this song on the soundtrack for "Natural Born Killers" - really romantic, I know. But the actual song is quite romantic, and the juxtaposition of Bob Dylan's unique voice on such a romantic ballad is something we both loved. And it just fit us as a couple. So just hearing this song again, on this special CD, brought back such happy, loving memories, both of our actual wedding day and of our early days as a couple. Maybe on those days when I am tired, grouchy, and not feeling particularly loving I should pop this CD in to bring it all back into focus: No matter how chaotic, how messy, how exhausting my life as a stay-at-home mom is, it all started from love. The love between us grew into this amazing family with two gorgeous and brilliant kids (yes, I am their Mom, I can brag and exaggerate).

It's so nice to stop and take a quick moment to remember that once in a while.

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